Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Area Home Sales Article in the Journal Star

Today's Peoria Journal Star included an article about area home sales. In 2008, PAAR (Peoria Area Association of REALTORS) reports 11.6 percent drop in home sales over the previous year and a slight increase in the average sale price. Pat McCarthy, President of PAAR, also commented "Most economists are saying it will be the middle of the year before we see a rebound in the housing market. We're hoping Peoria's a little stronger than that." Read the full article on pjstar.com

We all know the economy is struggling. We are overwhelmed with negative news each day. It is good to hear a little positive news too. Despite area home sales dropping, the Gillespie Group increased their home sales by over 10% in 2008. We are staying positive and continue to work hard to get the job done.

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